Now is the time to take action. To make queues shorter and have Your customer experience at the highest level. We are inviting You to chip in and connect with us through the world of AKIS Technologies news.
AKIS Technologies has over 30 years of experience with more than 7500+ projects in over 45 countries. In that time we have gone through the most exciting times in the world of quickly changing information technology. That let us gather the best specialists in Lithuania and to have quick response times with highly customizable products to make Your queue management system dreams come true.
In this NEWS segment we will be writing about the solutions that can help any kind of business. Whether You are taking care of Your bakery, grocery shop or an enterprise with multiple complex queues, we have a solution for YOU!
We will be talking more about:
- Solutions for organizing people, like our Qset and Qweb systems;
- Solutions for organizing transport, like our TEVIS truck queue system and Modular VMS road information signs;
- Solutions for customer feedback;
- Digital signage;
- Interactive displays;
- And many custom made projects, like state border guard service, seismic data recorders and face recognition system.